The parents are requested to fill and submit the application form by hand.
After submission of the form, a date and time to visit the school for verification of your documents, will appear at the end of the form. It is mandatory that parents visit the school only on the given date and time.
Please note that only the application forms that are completely filled are accepted. Incomplete forms will be rejected.
The application forms that are completely filled are accepted. Incomplete forms will be rejected.
You are requested to prepare and bring along the following documents. All the documents need to be brought in original along with attested photocopy. No document will be considered if the original is not shown at the time of submission.
Both parents need to provide a Photo identity proof of themselves. Please ensure that the photo on the Photo Identity Proof is recent and can be used for visual verification. This document is a mandatory requirement. Any one of the following documents will be accepted as Identity Proof: PAN Card Passport
Please ensure that the proof of residence has an address that matches with the address mentioned in the form. This document is mandatory. Any one of the following documents will be accepted as Proof of Residence: Utility Bill - MSEB / Gas / BSNL Landline Phone Bill / Passport / Aadhar Card / Corporation Tax Receipt
Birth certificate of the Child with two passport size photographs are mandatory.
This is required in case of OBC / SC / ST. In case of Christian candidates, baptism certificate is mandatory. Please note that the application form will be valid only if original documents are produced along with attested photocopy at the time of verification.
Vidyanand Bhavan High School is a private, Un-aided Christian minority school and does not come under The Right to Education Act, while giving admissions; preference is given to Christian minority students.
The final result will be intimated by Email/SMS/Notice Board only. Hence, please ensure you provide the right email address to the school.
Admissions to STD 2 to STD 7 will require the following documents in addition to the above:
Leaving Certificate from the previous school attended
Report card of the last three years of school attended.
Absence without leave renders a student liable to a fine. Such absence before or after holidays renders a boy/girl liable to be struck off the rolls.
No leave of absence is granted except on previous written application from parents/guardian only for serious valid reasons. Students who absent themselves without parent`s knowledge will be liable to disciplinary action.
Leave during school days will not be given for more than three days at a time, except in case of serious illness or death in a family. Religious pilgrimages, ceremonies etc. to be planned in holidays only.
Principal to be informed if a student is absent due to illness for more than three days. A formal note and medical certificate to be handed on his/her return. Non – Christians will be allowed Sectional Holidays pertaining to their creed only on the strength of written application from parents.
A student who is found to have damaged anything within the school premises will be responsible for its repairs. No boy/girl student is allowed to enter the school premises driving a car or riding a motor-cycle, scooter or moped even though they have a driving license.
No student is allowed to remain in the classroom during P.T. periods or recess, unless a supporting Doctor’s note is submitted. The parents shall see that the fees are required to be paid on time as per notification & instructions given in the School Diary.